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Baroque Opera 巴洛克歌剧
MOURET - Les Amours de Ragonde
《 Les Amours de Ragonde》由作曲家Jean-Joseph Mouret写于1714年,比Rameau的Platee早30年,是法国歌剧发展史上的开创性作品。内容是描绘村民生活的世俗题材。
Jean-Joseph Mouret's Les Amours de Ragonde, written in 1714, 30 years before Rameau's Platee, was a seminal work in the development of opera comique in France, although its influence was felt only decades after its creation. It was written for one of the famous nocturnal parties, the Grandes Nuits, staged every fortnight between April 1714 and May 1715 by the Duchesse du Maine in her castle of Sceaux , a few kilometers south of Paris and a few kilometers east of Versailles. They were so successful that the Versailles authorities, stultified by the atmosphere of religious bigotry brought forth by Madame de Maintenon, the secret wife of Louis 14, took umbrage - and anyway, in September 1715, Louis 14 died, and that was it with the fêtes. Things didn't finish too well for Mouret, either. After a very successful career at the Théatre des Italiens, the Concerts Spirituels and the Opera, he died in utter dejection in the mental asylum of Charenton. He should have tried writing Tragedies instead.
It is, "technically", a fully-fledged opera rather than an opera comique, in that there is no spoken text: it is all sung. The book, by poet Néricault Destouches, is the customary fare of opera comique, depicting a group of villagers, the old widow Ragonde (sung by a man) having views over the young peasant Colin, himself enamoured wih Ragonde's daughter Colette who's in love with the peasant Lucas, and everything is occasion and pretext to dance.
《 Les Amours de Ragonde》的曲风,是活泼的乡村村民风格。
MOURET - Les Amours de Ragonde (1991) [Minkowski; Erato Disques] (FLAC)

Ouvertures :
le Maréchal Ferrant - Le Sorcier - Tom Jones - Carmen Saeculare,
oratorio profane / Veronica Cangemi, sop.
- Nora Gubisch, mezzo-sop.
- Donald Litaker, tén. - Antonio Abete, b.
- Chœur & Orch. de la Radio Suisse Italienne, dir. Jean-Claude Malgoire - Orchestre de Chambre de Prague, dir. Christian Benda.
《Carmen Sæculare》的曲风,更接近古典主义时期,有辉煌的宫廷气氛。
PHILIDOR - Carmen Sæculare (1990) [Malgoire; Erato Disques] (FLAC)
