简介:至今为止唯一一位在美国国会图书馆开过演唱会的歌手,诺奖得主 Bob Dylan 最喜欢的六个唱作人之一,乡村天王 Johnny Cash 最喜欢的四个唱作人之一,Pink Floyd 灵魂人物 Roger Waters 最喜欢的一个唱作人之一。个人估计格莱美终身成就奖应该只是时间问题…
Bob Dylan: John Prine is pure Proustian existentialism... Midwestern mind trips to the nth degree.
Tom Paxton: Tell you what, John, I'll go on the road and sing songs with you if you write all the songs!
John Prine 很 typical 的一个风格用一个词形容就是goofy,就是那种狡黠的大智若愚的感觉,但他的歌曲当然不只有goofy,他可以只用最简单的三和弦G、C、D(偶尔也会加上Am、A7和离调和弦F)写出一百种不同风格不同主题的歌。
Angel From Montgomery 的寂寞,Speed of the Sound of Loneliness 的孤独,Spanish Pipedream 的狡黠,The Sins of Memphisto 的幽默,Paradise 和 Souvenirs 的怀旧,How Lucky 的乐观旷达,Clocks and Spoons 的浅显诗意,6 O'Clock News 和 Lake Marie 的eerie,It's a Big Old Goofy World 的goofy……你在 Everything Is Cool 里被抛弃,在 Saddle in the Rain 里被背叛,在 I Guess They Oughta Name a Drink After You 中喝到烂醉,却又在 Sour Grapes 里找到慰藉,在 All the Best 里付之一哂。
01. John Prine - John Prine - 1971
02. John Prine - Diamonds In The Rough 1972
03. John Prine - Sweet Revenge - 1973
04. John Prine - Common Sense - 1975
05. John Prine - Prime Prine (The Best Of John Prine) - 1976
06. John Prine - Bruised Orange - 1978
07. John Prine - Pink Cadillac - 1979
08. John Prine - Storm Windows - 1980
09. John Prine - Aimless Love - 1984 (2 editions)
10. John Prine - German Afternoons - 1986
11. John Prine - John Prine Live - 1988
12. John Prine - The Missing Years - 1991
13. John Prine - Great Days - The John Prine Anthology - 1993
14. John Prine - A John Prine Christmas - 1993
15. John Prine - Lost Dogs + Mixed Blessings - 1995
16. John Prine - Live On Tour - 1997
17. John Prine - In Spite Of Ourselves - 1999
18. John Prine - Souvenirs - 2000
19. John Prine - Fair & Square (CD & EP)
20. John Prine & Mac Wiseman - Standard Songs For Average People - 2007
21. John Prine - In Person & On Stage - 2010
22. John Prine - The Singing Mailman Delivers - 2011